About Me!

Wow, hi! I can’t believe I’m finally doing this. I did the thing!

What’s the thing?

I’m sharing my love of music with the world.

It’s kind of a scary thing. Music has always had a special place in my heart. When I was a kid, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to learn many instruments including the piano, guitar, viola, cello, and violin. I was even part of an orchestra for a long time! Playing my heart out in front of hundreds of people with my peers was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.

I would spend hours, and hours, and hours on iTunes trying to discover new artists and genres. I loved finding new songs to share with my friends. Music would be playing in the background of everything I did (still does), I’d even sleep to it (still do). My playlist to this day is a crazy concoction of so many different genres and artists I’ve discovered over my lifetime so far. And I’m not afraid to dance to them in my car in front of everyone at the stoplights!

I also have always had a love for writing poetry, which is basically what lyrics are. Music + writing??? Omigosh sign me up right now!

I always wanted to be a good singer, but it was not a talent I was blessed with. I’ll never forget trying out for a musical in elementary school and getting denied any participation because I was so awful. It was pretty soul-crushing and I hid my singing for basically my whole life up until recently. But I never stopped practicing.

I had a friend tell me if I love it so much, then f*ck what anyone says! Do it!

So here we go! This is the start of my journey and it will be cool to see the people that join me along the way.


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